Wednesday, March 25, 2009

an upcoming tribute to Dr Barbara Ann Teer - a pioneering artist/activist

Please join AVERY BROOKS and ALICIA KEYS and other guests as they celebrate the launch of the 41st year andre-institution of theCommunication Arts Program Symposiums This Friday March 27, 2009 at 6:30PM Suggested donation $20 Students $10 It's about a thought provoking soul stirring evening...

Love lives forever." - Steveland Morris

Dear friends,

Dr. Barbara Ann Teer (June 18, 1937 - July 21, 2008) was featured on this blog during August of last uear, shortly after her passing. The info below is about an important upcoming event in New York City later this month. The work of this great woman continues.

One Love,
G. Djata Bumpus

SAVE THE DATE!!! March 27, 2009
Dr. Barbara Ann Teer's Institute of Action Arts will launch it's 41st Year with the re-institution of its Communication Arts Program Symposiums

Please join us:
Friday, March 27, 2009 at 6:30PM

for a thought-provoking and soul-stirring evening with
Avery Brooks, Alicia Keys, and other guests

Suggested Donation: $20 - Students: $10