Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sherrod, a USDA official, resigns - For what?

“ ‘Why is it that, for example, a “Black” president receives open death threats and harangues in public from European American politicians, clergy, and mass groups, as well as the agents of the mainstream media, while any African American who acted in an undesirable way towards a “white” president would be lucky to be alive the next day?’ ”

Dear friends,

If a person belongs to a “marked minority” group that has a centuries-long history of experiences with daily injustices from an artificial “majority” group that, based upon a phony, non-scientific, means-spirited claim of being “white”, as opposed to its members identifying themselves as people from a variety of cultural groups, does a so-called “minority” person have a right to address her or his injustice, in whatever way that s/he feels equipped to do at the time?

Apparently s/he does not, according to the super-racist corporate- and government-controlled mass communications media – the opinion makers of this nation. After all, as Dr. Kwame Nkrumah contended,"In societies where there are competing ideologies, it is still usual for one ideology to be dominant. This dominant ideology is that of the ruling group. Though the ideology is the key to the inward identity of its group, it is in intent solidarist. For an ideology does not seek merely to unite a section of the people; it seeks to unite the whole of society in which it finds itself. In its effect, it certainly reaches the whole society, when it is dominant. For, besides seeking to establish common attitudes and purposes for the society, the dominant ideology is that which in the light of circumstances decides what forms institutions shall take, and in what channels the common effort is to be directed." (see Nkrumah's Consciencism)

Well, that also explains why the NAACP, an organization that has been irrelevant for almost fifty years, has the audacity to side with racists in condemning a Black woman who was “exposed” by the Tea Party for acting in a non-deferring way towards a “white” farmer. Besides, were her actions based upon the racist arrogance of the aforementioned farmer? That question does not seem to have been asked.

At any rate, , the same people who are guilty of promoting the aforementioned injustices define racism, the euphemism for White Supremacy, as a “xenophobia” or “disease” that any person can possess in this society, where people discriminate against others. That suggests that everyone in this country, regardless of skin color, is on equal terms. In other words, the here-to-mentioned “majority” group insists: we’re all equal, we just have a few bigots hanging around.

If that is true, then, at least to me, the question should be, “Why is it that, for example, a “Black” president receives open death threats and harangues in piblic from European American politicians, clergy, and mass groups, as well as the agents of the mainstream media, while any African American who acted in an undesirable way towards a “white” president would be lucky to be alive the next day?”

Please imagine that the Tea Party made its members resign from their jobs if any of them had ever done anything racist towards one African Americans, That organization would then, rightfully, become the Pee Party of the Unemployed.

Finally, all of this reminds me of the response that my late father would give to me, back in the Seventies, whenever I mentioned to him how “crazy” that “white” folks are with their constant, daily racial injustices towards Black folks, like, for instance, Alan Bakke’s case against Affirmative Action. To that, my Dad would say, “White folks ain’t crazy son, they think we’re crazy.”

One Love,
G. Djata Bumpus
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