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"After all, it's not like it takes a rocket scientist to have a sexual experience, good or bad."
Dear friends,
On the link below, I read a brief piece on Facebook or somewhere yesterday, and thought to myself, "What can this possibly mean?" Dickmatized? After all, it's not like it takes a rocket scientist to have a sexual experience, good or bad. Right?
At any rate, the brief article seems to reveal Jill's maturing as someone who wants to be fully human (that is, continuously evolving) as opposed to either being "stuck"as an object or, having no meaningful way to look at life, identifying one's self by something as precarious, if not frivolous, as the human sexual appetite.
Love is the weapon of the strong,
G. Djata Bumpus
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The pundits seem to always refer to the 'Economy' as if it is a kind of force or other type of phenomenon that exists apart from us.
Dear friends,
The pundits seem to always refer to the "Economy" as if it is a kind of force or other type of phenomenon that exists apart from us. That is, it appears out of thin air or something. If we are bad to it, then it is bad to us. The way that we are able to control it is by either divine - or government - intervention, at those bad times. When we are good to it, other divine "market forces" maintain our prosperity. Yet, even then, we have to be prepared to make sacrifices, so that we stay in favor with it (said "Economy" ).
This all, of course, seems like a childish fairy tale. Yet, that is precisely what the big corporations who control those who run our government would have us believe. Consequently, there is currently a "scare" tactic directed at citizens both here and many places around the world, as we are told that the "Economy" is on the brink of collapse. The Bush administration, its accomplices in Congress, along with the government- and corporate-controlled mass communications media, are currently imploring to the American people: If companies that we either support or are beholden to need money, then either such companies and their investors will lose out to competition, or we will have to use the fruits of your labor (tax money) to save them.
Again, the biggest problem about the latest bad economic news is: People are made to think that the "Economy" is a phenomenon that exists apart from them. Yet, it is people who make the goods and provide the services. Consequently, at least to me, rather than remaining "submissive" and deferring to "market forces", as it were, in this possession-oriented society, folks should consider being "pro-active" and start developing communities where our values are determined by people (i.e., ourselves), as opposed to representing those of the "market forces". That way, the collecting of trinkets and baubles, cars, spouses, and houses will not be as significant as people starting to learn to appreciate all of the powers within them - like love and work (energy) - that way they can share with their fellows for the commonweal, and future generations.
Can we, as Americans, begin to think about buying from businesses in our own communities? Why, in fact, can we not begin to look at life in a more meaningful way than what Madison Avenue and Hollywood have prescribed for us? Can we truly begin thinking for ourselves, instead of swallowing whatever many of those in the mass communications media like Fox News and CNN tell us to think?
Of course, we can still purchase some commodities from big companies. However, the monopolies that have been set up under the disguise of being "national" and "multi-national" companies are far from patriotic to anything other than the dollar bill. If we begin to build our communities, it will take time - generations, in fact. However, we will, at least, pass on a legacy of love and work that will be able to withstand the natural, social, and economic challenges of human existence, as opposed to the current course of cyclical prosperity for us and constant excess of wealth for the "organized minority".
Finally, at least to me, enlightened, healthy (physically and mentally), and productive people are the result of economic development - not higher levels of weaponry and other types of technology. Not even better homes point to the genuine prosperity of everyday people having both greater inner and outer resources to make their communities more loving, stronger, and constantly growing. After all, the inner resources are necessary in order to act upon the outer ones, and vice versa. And in that process, greater talents evolve. Otherwise, if that were not true, as a species, then we would still be chasing animals and searching for fruits and vegetables, while, simultaneously, praying to totem poles. People make the economy!!! The question of ending economic catastrophe is directly related to how we share in the distribution of our combined efforts. Right now, a few greedy guys get most of everything, and do very little, if any, work.
G. Djata Bumpus
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