Friday, August 21, 2009

Jen Armstrong on more of the effects of Violence on Female Growth

Dear friends,

In keeping with her constant effort to bring out relevant issues, award-winning columnist Jen Armstring of the Philadelphia Daily News reminds us of another of the many reasons why violence against females is this nation's, as well as the entire world's, biggest problem. As a matter of fact, if the foes of Michael Vick used their energies towards the aforementioned pandemic violence against females, as opposed to voicing their alleged concern for non-human animals, I am sure that the animal cruelty would dissipate a short time afterwards. Please check out the link below.

One Love,
G. Djata Bumpus
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Smith on Michael Vick's "Second Chance"

"That's what makes second chances so special. They are an extension of grace that says more about the people who give them than the ones who receive them."

Dear friends,

Let's keep the recent re-instatement and signing of Michael Vicks in perspective. My longtime dear friend and veteran columnist with the Philadelphia Daily News, Elmer Smith, does just that, on the link below. Please reflect.


G. Djata Bumpus
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Rabid Animal Rights "activists" and Michael Vick - a female perspective

"There are a couple of key parts to redemption," says the Rev. Mark Kelly Tyler, pastor of Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church. "The person in need of forgiveness has to be able to forgive themselves. And the community has to be willing to give the person a second chance..."

Dear friends,

Is there something deeper going on, regarding the issue of Michael Vick and his re-instatement to the NFL? The Philadelphia Inquirer's outstanding columnist Annette John-Hall gives us a special point-of-view.


G. Djata Bumpus
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