Dear friends,
For the remainder of the month of March, this blog will feature female authors, in most of the pieces. Many of the articles and columns have appeared at an earlier time here. Moreover, at least to me, it is interesting that what men see as equality for themselves is actually not equality at all, when it comes to what they view as equality for women. Unfortunately, sexism's other half, i.e., female self-hatred, has many women seeing their equality as whatever men see fit for it to be. This must end! Period.
Finally, sexism or Male Supremacy is a bigger problem in our society and all others throughout the world than racism, for example. The reason is: It affects more people than, say, racism. Additionally, it is not simply a matter of "equal pay or equal work". To be sure, many men suffer that injustice too, for example union versus non-union workers. What makes sexism so unjust and, in fact, inhuman, is that, just as racism, it does not allow the insulted ones to be fully human. Instead, they must always lower their output of integrity, in order to satisfy the whims of men.
It is time for all men to wake up and stop defending this atrocity. It is senseless! After all, since women make up half of the human population, then that means that they also own half of both our total intellectual and physical powers. Therefore, it seems to me that it would benefit humanity - all around, if men stop hiding behind their insecurities and inafequacies that make sexism proliferate. Besides, if you think about it: Only a fool walks out of his house with half of his brain (pun intended).
G. Djata Bumpus
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Saturday, March 1, 2014
Women's History Month and "Women and minorities"
"The writings and speeches of both Matilda and Maria preceded other "feminist" pioneers like the Grimke Sisters, by several years..."
Dear friends,
With all of the talk about"women" by Hillary Clinton herself, and others like her, where the humanity of African American women is downright ignored, by the former using the phrase "women and minorities", it is, perhaps, instructive that we recall the fact that African American women have been at the forefront of all womanist movements in this country, historically...
For example, if we look at a child who is born in 2014, and go back roughly eight generations, or @200 years (that's about the time that the grandmother of the grandmother of the aforementioned child's grandmother's grandmother lived), we can appreciate the fact that, during that period, a woman named Matilda wrote to the "Freedom's Journal", an African American newspaper of that day, "Messrs. Editors...Will you allow a female to offer a few remarks upon a subject that you must allow to be all important? I don't know that in any of your papers, you have said sufficient upon the education of females. I hope you are not to be classed with those, who think that our mathematical knowledge should be limited to 'fathoming the dish-kettle,' and that We have acquired enough of history, if we know that our grandfather's father lived and died...I would address myself to all mothers- it is their bounden duty to store their daughters' minds with useful learning. They should be made to devote their leisure time to reading books, whence they would derive information, which could never betaken from them." ( A Documentary History of the Negro People in the U. S., edited by Herbert Aptheker)
Matilda's letter was published four years prior to any known work by Maria Stewart, the African American woman from Massachusetts who has been called the first American-born woman to speak in public. The writings and speeches of both Matilda and Maria preceded other "feminist" pioneers like the Grimke Sisters, by several years. As a matter of fact, about Mrs. Stewart's speeches, Philip Foner quoted Eleanor Flexner as saying that they heralded the arguments the Grimkes were to use a few years later. (see The Voice of Black America, Vol.1, edited by Foner)
Hardly ever mentioned, if not avoided altogether, in discussions concerning the African American experience are the historic roles of African American women in preserving the heritage of African American people, in the midst of a "double jeopardy", that is, being both African American AND a woman. (see essay by Francis Beale called"Double Jeopardy: To Be Black and Female", from the anthology entitled The Black Woman, edited by Toni Cade (Bambara)
Hillary Clinton and her supporters do not have that problem (i.e., double jeopardy). Unfortunately, instead, she and her fellow"women" perpetuate racism, while, simultaneously, doing harm to others. That is able to happen, because in a socially-stratified society such as Ours, one can belong to an oppressed group, yet, also be part of an oppressor group, at the same time. The Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill trial proved that adequately. In other words, Thomas was "oppressed" as a Black, but an "oppressor" as a man.
Consequently, while Hillary and many of her supporters are "oppressed" as women, they are "oppressors" as "white" people. Again, the Black woman has no such duality in her identity. That is why it is completely inane for European American (so-called "white) journalists to call Michelle Obama "unpatriotic" when she proclaimed to be proud of this country "for the first time" in her life, regarding her husband's success in campaigning for his nomination as the official candidate for the Democratic party. After all, was Michelle Obama supposed to be proud, heretofore, of a country that enslaved her ancestors by law, and whose law enforcement agents and many of her other fellow citizens continue to, randomly, inflict injury, for purely "racial" reasons, upon African American people?
Let's keep it real!
G. Djata Bumpus Read full post
Dear friends,
With all of the talk about"women" by Hillary Clinton herself, and others like her, where the humanity of African American women is downright ignored, by the former using the phrase "women and minorities", it is, perhaps, instructive that we recall the fact that African American women have been at the forefront of all womanist movements in this country, historically...
For example, if we look at a child who is born in 2014, and go back roughly eight generations, or @200 years (that's about the time that the grandmother of the grandmother of the aforementioned child's grandmother's grandmother lived), we can appreciate the fact that, during that period, a woman named Matilda wrote to the "Freedom's Journal", an African American newspaper of that day, "Messrs. Editors...Will you allow a female to offer a few remarks upon a subject that you must allow to be all important? I don't know that in any of your papers, you have said sufficient upon the education of females. I hope you are not to be classed with those, who think that our mathematical knowledge should be limited to 'fathoming the dish-kettle,' and that We have acquired enough of history, if we know that our grandfather's father lived and died...I would address myself to all mothers- it is their bounden duty to store their daughters' minds with useful learning. They should be made to devote their leisure time to reading books, whence they would derive information, which could never betaken from them." ( A Documentary History of the Negro People in the U. S., edited by Herbert Aptheker)
Matilda's letter was published four years prior to any known work by Maria Stewart, the African American woman from Massachusetts who has been called the first American-born woman to speak in public. The writings and speeches of both Matilda and Maria preceded other "feminist" pioneers like the Grimke Sisters, by several years. As a matter of fact, about Mrs. Stewart's speeches, Philip Foner quoted Eleanor Flexner as saying that they heralded the arguments the Grimkes were to use a few years later. (see The Voice of Black America, Vol.1, edited by Foner)
Hardly ever mentioned, if not avoided altogether, in discussions concerning the African American experience are the historic roles of African American women in preserving the heritage of African American people, in the midst of a "double jeopardy", that is, being both African American AND a woman. (see essay by Francis Beale called"Double Jeopardy: To Be Black and Female", from the anthology entitled The Black Woman, edited by Toni Cade (Bambara)
Hillary Clinton and her supporters do not have that problem (i.e., double jeopardy). Unfortunately, instead, she and her fellow"women" perpetuate racism, while, simultaneously, doing harm to others. That is able to happen, because in a socially-stratified society such as Ours, one can belong to an oppressed group, yet, also be part of an oppressor group, at the same time. The Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill trial proved that adequately. In other words, Thomas was "oppressed" as a Black, but an "oppressor" as a man.
Consequently, while Hillary and many of her supporters are "oppressed" as women, they are "oppressors" as "white" people. Again, the Black woman has no such duality in her identity. That is why it is completely inane for European American (so-called "white) journalists to call Michelle Obama "unpatriotic" when she proclaimed to be proud of this country "for the first time" in her life, regarding her husband's success in campaigning for his nomination as the official candidate for the Democratic party. After all, was Michelle Obama supposed to be proud, heretofore, of a country that enslaved her ancestors by law, and whose law enforcement agents and many of her other fellow citizens continue to, randomly, inflict injury, for purely "racial" reasons, upon African American people?
Let's keep it real!
G. Djata Bumpus Read full post
From MWS Journal - Chokwe Lumumba passes...
"None but ourselves can free our mind."
--Bob Marley
"Redemption Song”
We are at the end of the month of February already—the short month from which Negro History Week began the growth of Africana studies, toward today’s recognition by many as African Liberation Month. (Yes, African-Americans, we are an African people, and our condition as a people worldwide remains one in need of emergence from the cultural dominance and outright political oppression of white power.) We in the USA today especially are in need of such awareness; we need to attend to it throughout each year...
The announcement of Chokwe Lumumba's passing this week came with a bitter bite. This great brother had just become the mayor of Jackson , Mississippi (last year) and had launched upon a program of crucial social reforms for the city. However, his remarkable life otherwise reveals much about our history that we must not ignore or neglect.
Chokwe Lumumba death notice--video and links to previous stories related to his life and works (DemocracyNow! Feb 26, 2014)
http://www.democracynow.org/blog/2014/2/26/breaking_jackson_mayor_chokwe_lumumba_has Read full post
--Bob Marley
"Redemption Song”
We are at the end of the month of February already—the short month from which Negro History Week began the growth of Africana studies, toward today’s recognition by many as African Liberation Month. (Yes, African-Americans, we are an African people, and our condition as a people worldwide remains one in need of emergence from the cultural dominance and outright political oppression of white power.) We in the USA today especially are in need of such awareness; we need to attend to it throughout each year...
The announcement of Chokwe Lumumba's passing this week came with a bitter bite. This great brother had just become the mayor of Jackson , Mississippi (last year) and had launched upon a program of crucial social reforms for the city. However, his remarkable life otherwise reveals much about our history that we must not ignore or neglect.
Chokwe Lumumba death notice--video and links to previous stories related to his life and works (DemocracyNow! Feb 26, 2014)
http://www.democracynow.org/blog/2014/2/26/breaking_jackson_mayor_chokwe_lumumba_has Read full post
Friday, February 28, 2014
On Mental Stamina
Dear friends,
To be sure, we always hear about physical stamina – like that which is gained by, say, working as a laborer on a construction job, or training for various sporting events, or, perhaps, running a marathon. However, we can "train" our minds as well,in ways that make our ability to think grow with more lasting force and energy (inner powers), if we also use our powers of discipline, patience, and concentration, in order to help us “think through” problems of whatever magnitude. As a matter of fact, in these days of the Internet, you can just type into your browser whatever question that you might have about almost anything,, and you will, at least, be able to find some semblance of an answer, or begin a process of linkage that will help you.. Besides, searching that way develops your mental stamina too.
By thinking through our problems, particularly when we are in situations that require special attention from us, whether they are confrontations with ourselves – like taking tests in education or employment, for example, or challenges regarding relationships with others (such as our loved ones, classmates, fellow workers, neighbors or even strangers), we can integrate our powers, as a whole, in a way that makes us feel good, and, in fact, more empowered, after the aforementioned confrontations, instead of feeling regret.
Now, there are a number of ways to develop greater mental stamina. Playing games like checkers or chess will enhance your mental stamina. There are a number of “mind” games on computers that can help you with that too. Another method is: Teaching both arithmetic and mathematics to yourself. Because mathematics is an abstract science, that means that you can apply its principles to any number of activities in your lives. (And its not as hard as it may sound.) In fact, the reason why so many people either complain about or find displeasure with mathematics and science is due to the fact that they have not developed their mental stamina better. It is certainly not an issue of them lacking "intelligence".
Please remember, in order to be able to introduce a lot of helpful ideas to your child(ren), grandchildren. or other young people in your life, while, simultaneously, gaining more ideas and skills yourself, you will need to maintain a high level of mental stamina. Don't be lazy!
Moreover, please learn to “think through” your problems, whatever they may be. In the process, you will also learn to enjoy your own thoughts more and more. That will allow you to be able to distinguish peaceful times from more volatile moments - easier. Better yet, that will put you ore in control of when you want the peaceful ones. Dig?
Keep moving forward!
G. Djata Bumpus
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To be sure, we always hear about physical stamina – like that which is gained by, say, working as a laborer on a construction job, or training for various sporting events, or, perhaps, running a marathon. However, we can "train" our minds as well,in ways that make our ability to think grow with more lasting force and energy (inner powers), if we also use our powers of discipline, patience, and concentration, in order to help us “think through” problems of whatever magnitude. As a matter of fact, in these days of the Internet, you can just type into your browser whatever question that you might have about almost anything,, and you will, at least, be able to find some semblance of an answer, or begin a process of linkage that will help you.. Besides, searching that way develops your mental stamina too.
By thinking through our problems, particularly when we are in situations that require special attention from us, whether they are confrontations with ourselves – like taking tests in education or employment, for example, or challenges regarding relationships with others (such as our loved ones, classmates, fellow workers, neighbors or even strangers), we can integrate our powers, as a whole, in a way that makes us feel good, and, in fact, more empowered, after the aforementioned confrontations, instead of feeling regret.
Now, there are a number of ways to develop greater mental stamina. Playing games like checkers or chess will enhance your mental stamina. There are a number of “mind” games on computers that can help you with that too. Another method is: Teaching both arithmetic and mathematics to yourself. Because mathematics is an abstract science, that means that you can apply its principles to any number of activities in your lives. (And its not as hard as it may sound.) In fact, the reason why so many people either complain about or find displeasure with mathematics and science is due to the fact that they have not developed their mental stamina better. It is certainly not an issue of them lacking "intelligence".
Please remember, in order to be able to introduce a lot of helpful ideas to your child(ren), grandchildren. or other young people in your life, while, simultaneously, gaining more ideas and skills yourself, you will need to maintain a high level of mental stamina. Don't be lazy!
Moreover, please learn to “think through” your problems, whatever they may be. In the process, you will also learn to enjoy your own thoughts more and more. That will allow you to be able to distinguish peaceful times from more volatile moments - easier. Better yet, that will put you ore in control of when you want the peaceful ones. Dig?
Keep moving forward!
G. Djata Bumpus
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Thursday, February 27, 2014
Nigger or N -- word?
Dear friends,
The video on the link below is just racist propaganda. The Uncle Tom, scumbag hip-hop folks, in order to sell records to racist "white" kids have popularized it due to their lack of social conscience and their own self-hatred. If what the video is saying is true, that the word has evolved to something innocuous, then why not just say "nigger" and stop the "n-word" nonsense?
Moreover, I'd like to see sweetie pies like Jay Z and Kanye start popularizing the word "cracker". Did someone say "White Supremacy"?. Meanwhile, fake scholars like Michael Eric Dyson claim that the word nigger is endearing to those in hip-hop and young folks who use it....I ask his phony punk butt, "Wasn't it endearing to cowardly racist mobs as they lynched unconscious Black men or the corpses of same?".
G. Djata Bumpus
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The video on the link below is just racist propaganda. The Uncle Tom, scumbag hip-hop folks, in order to sell records to racist "white" kids have popularized it due to their lack of social conscience and their own self-hatred. If what the video is saying is true, that the word has evolved to something innocuous, then why not just say "nigger" and stop the "n-word" nonsense?
Moreover, I'd like to see sweetie pies like Jay Z and Kanye start popularizing the word "cracker". Did someone say "White Supremacy"?. Meanwhile, fake scholars like Michael Eric Dyson claim that the word nigger is endearing to those in hip-hop and young folks who use it....I ask his phony punk butt, "Wasn't it endearing to cowardly racist mobs as they lynched unconscious Black men or the corpses of same?".
G. Djata Bumpus
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Scat singing - the mother of Freestyle Hip-hop
Dear friends,
Freestyle hip-hop music didn't just fall out of the sky into some young African American's mind. Rather, young brothers [young to me :-)] like, for instance, Ja Rule (who is a master of freestyle hip-hop) actually represent the evolution of an earlier African American art form called scat singing.
Masters of scat like Ella Fitzgerald, and later Al Jarreau, knew/know how to make both the words and sounds flow from their mouths as syrup does from a bottle, while simultaneously, through great mental stamina, maintaining a linkage between all of the sounds that they're making and the music that they're hearing played.
One Love!
G. Djata Bumpus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbL9vr4Q2LU Read full post
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Al Martinez remembers a Billie Holiday moment

On the link below, you'll find a piece that was written by a friend of mine whose work has appeared on this blog before, Pulitzer-prizewinning journalist Al Martinez. It is touching and thoughtful piece about the music that so many of us love and how on one particular evening many decades ago, Al and his wife Cinelli experienced a special moment with one of the premier female vocalists of all time, the great Billie Holiday. Enjoy!
G. Djata Bumpus
http://www.topangamessenger.com/story_detail.php?SectionID=21&ArticleID=3998 Read full post
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Empty Talk about Economic Development
Dear friends,
In Alaska, the entire state not just one city, for example gives several thousands of dollars to the family of each newborn child. Basically, it’s nothing short of a bribe to get people to live in that cold place. Yet, where is the economic development there and what is economic development?… Almost everyone works either on a military base or for some business that is directly connected to a military base.
Ultimately, the end result of economic development should be human, not corporate. In other words, genuine economic development will ensure that each child upon reaching adulthood will be independent, self-sufficient yet cooperative, thoughtful, and competent, while being a loving and caring person.
Moreover, in a nation that bases its legitimacy on its threat capacity through the police and military, not the vote, the onus is on the corporate rulers and their lackey politicians to not only control and maintain their wealth- holding status with its accumulation process, but to increase its magnitude. Considering that, empty talk about changing inequality remains just that. Capitalism must go!
G. Djata Bumpus
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In Alaska, the entire state not just one city, for example gives several thousands of dollars to the family of each newborn child. Basically, it’s nothing short of a bribe to get people to live in that cold place. Yet, where is the economic development there and what is economic development?… Almost everyone works either on a military base or for some business that is directly connected to a military base.
Ultimately, the end result of economic development should be human, not corporate. In other words, genuine economic development will ensure that each child upon reaching adulthood will be independent, self-sufficient yet cooperative, thoughtful, and competent, while being a loving and caring person.
Moreover, in a nation that bases its legitimacy on its threat capacity through the police and military, not the vote, the onus is on the corporate rulers and their lackey politicians to not only control and maintain their wealth- holding status with its accumulation process, but to increase its magnitude. Considering that, empty talk about changing inequality remains just that. Capitalism must go!
G. Djata Bumpus
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Sunday, February 23, 2014
The Meeting of Two Great Minds!
Dear friends,
Last night (2/22/14), in Washington DC, still on his worldwide book signing tour with his latest novel Foreign Gods Inc., at a packed Politicians and Prose bookstore, Dr. Okey Ndibe (right) got one of the surprises of his life when he looked up and saw that the next person in line was someone who he had known since she was a child and had even spoken to her over the phone in recent years, but now was seeing her physically as a woman for the first time in many years, my oldest daughter Dr. Namandje Bumpus. The two distinguished scholars/educators struck a pose together.
One Love!
G. Djata Bumpus
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