Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Where was Rahm Emanuel as Israel attacked and murdered innocent people

"...why has the Netanyahu administration waited to commit its two most recent unconscionable acts in the full presence of a high level US official?

Dear friends,

The online newspaper article read, “Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed regret after at least nine people died when troops stormed ships trying to break the Gaza blockade. But he said soldiers had been defending themselves after they were ‘clubbed, beaten and stabbed’ ." Huh?

Get this. Israeli troops were sliding down ropes from a helicopter onto a ship full of civilians who were carrying humanitarian aid supplies to the Gaza Strip, then these same rope-descending marauders began shooting firearms, and BiBi (Netanyahu) wonders why people resisted their massacre with only sticks and clubs. Go figure.

Meanwhile, Gerald Seib of the WSJ just wrote, “Two weeks ago, the president met with 37 Jewish Democrats in Congress and told them that he had spent more time one-on-one with Mr. Netanyahu than any other world leader, and that ties were solid. Geib follows by mentioning that “Israel apologized for embarrassing Vice President Joe Biden by announcing more East Jerusalem construction just as Mr. Biden was visiting.”

Excuse me, Mr. Geib. Where's Rahm Emanuel, Obama’ Chief of Staff who is the son of one of Israel's pioneers/invaders of Palestine? Wasn’t he in Israel, as the slaughter occurred? It was announced only a few days ago that he was. I wondered why he was there, when I first heard about it. Now this. By the way, is Mr. Emanuel looking for an apology too, as Biden was? If not, then why not? As a matter of fact, why hasn’t anyone from either the mainstream or “progressive” media been raising that point?

Additionally, where is the useless Black Caucus of the US Congress on this one? Are they in cahoots with the 37 Congress people with whom Obama bedded with recently, as mentioned above?

Moreover, why has the Netanyahu administration waited to commit its two most recent unconscionable acts in the full presence of a high level US official? Is there something wrong with this picture?

G. Djata Bumpus
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