Thursday, March 26, 2009

In light of the Obama victory, Ronnie Polaneczky invites us to care (originally posted 11/14/08)

Nevermind black, white, yellow, red, or brown . How about African American, European American, Asian American, Early American Native, and Latin American, for example.

Dear friends,

I waited a week to post the piece on the link below, because I wanted the hoopla and celebration over President-elect Obama to have sudsided. To be sure, we need to change our language. After all, "language is thought". Have you ever said to yourself, "I can't think of a word for it."?

One of the main ways to accomplish that, at least to me, will be for people to start describing themselves according to their cultural pasts, instead of their skin complexions. Nevermind black, white, yellow, red, or brown . How about African American, European American, Asian American, Early American Native, and Latin American, for example? That way, we will be able tp recognize each other's humanity.

In any case, Ronnie Polaneczky of the Philadelphia Daily News, a longtime friemd of mine, presents a very powerful invitation for all of us here. Please both onsider and enjoy the caring and warmth that she shares.

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