Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Drone rockets and Cell Phones - America's shame!

Dear friends,

It is extremely sad that so many Americans seem to have no concern for all of the innocent people that our government is murdering under the pretense of protecting Americans from future harm by "terrorists".

First of all, since when does any human being on this planet know the intentions of any other person? Secondly, if the logic of our government is true, then that means that, in fact, those who we are attacking are just as much warranted in killing Americans. In other words, why is the life of an American more precious than anyone who is not American?

Also, the term "American interests" is often used, instead of "American", as the reason for these vicious killings. Whose interests are being threatened? Obviously, the economic and financial interests of the American corporations and banks who sponsor the federal politicians, including our president, who themselves then order the military to make the deadly strikes.

Finally, the latest military strategy by our government to murder those who are allegedly a threat to either American or "American interests", are being targeted via cell phones, irrespective of whether the person who was actually holding the phone is the actual "terrorists" who is being sought.

G. Djata Bumpus