Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Charles "Chicken wing" Ramsay tells it all!

"Something's wrong, when a little pretty white girl runs into a Black man's arms....Dead give away." - Charles Rarmsay

Dear friends,

By now, everyone in this country knows the name Charles Ramsay. He is called a "hero" for hid rescue of some females who were trapped in a house in Cleveland, Ohio.

. However, in explaining why he knew "something was wrong", Charles Ramsay told the reporter, ""Something's wrong, when a little pretty white girl runs into a Black man's arms....Dead give away....Either she's homeless or she got problems...That's the only reason that she would run to a Black man.".. Huh? What would he have done, if it was a Black woman then? Ignored her?.

Of course, throughout the video on the link below, he sounds like he went to super-buffoon Steve Harvey's School of Diction. Why do I feel so sick in the stomach? Please check out the brief video below. Be close to the bathroom. 

G. Djata Bumpus


Unknown said...

Some people may not be able to articulate as well as others,some don't think as fast as others, some don't reason as well as others some can't read or comprehend as well as others etc. God has give all of us talents of sorts, Whom he has given much,much is expected or required. Luke 12:48. most people do the best with what they have. the most important thing here is this guy was called to action and he answered the call...