Saturday, April 23, 2011

President Obama's birth records are finally made public

“the Boston Herald, a major newspaper, has just released the actual proof…”

Dear friends,

With super-racist clowns like Donald Trump still insisting that President Obama was not born in this country, the Boston Herald, a major newspaper, has just released the actual proof on the link below (if clicking on it doesn't work, you may have to copy and paste it to your browser).


G. Djata Bumpus


Djata Bumpus said...

The comments below were e-mailed to me by a buddy in Cali...his name is few of us are from the Baby Boomer generation, he admits to not being very computer savvy in posting the comments just mentioned...nevertheless, I feel that his wisdom should be shared...Cheers!

This should have never been a subject but, the racists, bigots and uneducated have always needed some trash to throw at Obama. Remember the monumental events in US history that have brought out white anger/rage

1. The end of slavery resulted in a war
2. The civil rights movement resulted in many acts of murder and unlimited acts of human abuse of black people
3. The election of a black president has resulted in the birth of a new ku klux klan called the tea party

I do not put any importance of anything said by donald trump who is a whimpy bigot who several years back put out a full page ad in a NY newspaper offering a reward for those who allegedly attacked a white woman in Central park but, at the same time there were many incidents of black women in NY who were assaulted or killed and not a word was heard from trump concerning these incidents.

Overall the bigots/racists who are angry cause a black person is in the presidential seat can't get over it and these same idiots supported the bush/cheney klan 100%. Finally remember after the inauguration the bigots cry starting with rush limbaugh was and still is "we hope he fails"
