Friday, April 1, 2011

Faeebook plagiarist demeans Social Networking in post about "God"

"…it’s unfair to claim a special status as a 'believer', while excluding those who have a different interpretation of existence as 'non-believers'."

Dear friends,

Today, April Fool’s Day 2011, mind you, I saw a post about “God” by a Facebook friend. When I started reading it I thought to myself, “ Man, I really like what this guy is saying”. After the second sentence, I thought, “Damn, this sounds like me.”. After the third sentence, I looked down, narcissistically, in order to see my name as the author, since, occasionally, my aforementioned Facebook friend "shares" my posts with his "friends". I became incensed! Someone named Julian Kyle had plagiarized me and taken credit for my work.

Now, occasionally, I keep records of my Facebook responses in a Word folder. When I checked, sure enough, the text appears below:

God is a creation of the human mind, as people try to understand our existence…the idea of one “God”, of course, began under Akhenaton 2 of ancient Egypt…the term is supposed to relate to that which is the ultimate good or that which is perfect…Yet, the claim of a “jealous God” is a contradiction in terms, since jealousy is hardly a sign of perfection…Nevertheless, the fact so many think that both the thoughts or actions of people and even disaster, for example, are so easily explained by attributing whatever happens as “God’s will” is silly and childish…Moreover, the total lack of proof of God’s existence outside of the human imagination begs for the question: How can a proposition be proof of itself?

In addition to that Facebook post, in another Word file, while looking for the former one, I found this one below. It goes right with the one above:

…it’s unfair to claim a special status as a “believer”, while excluding those who have a different interpretation of existence as “non-believers”. That mean-spirited type of exclusion just mentioned is the basis of human intolerance. Ya dig? Moreover, religious intolerance has caused more killing and suffering over the millennia than any other philosophy or world outlook. Additionally, if you believe in a world-ruling personality called “God”, then you are talking about a finite entity, because you’ve appointed a name to that “being”.

In other words, we look at everything geometrically; that is, we recognize each phenomenon or thing by form, shape, and substance, in order to distinguish one thing from another – whether we’re talking about physically or intellectually. Therefore, an infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent phenomenon could not have a name! Dig? At best, we would address that Supreme Being as “that which is nameless.” However, saying a couple of extra syllables is too difficult for fast-paced Americans of any skin color.

While it is difficult for most people to think that deeply, just imagine that in the beginning there was nothing. Yet, nothing IS something. Isn't it? Hence, the origin of all existence. Let's face it. How many people can visualize much past three generations? It's mostly about reconstruction and inference, when looking back at what has already occured. Besides, even watching a video recording doesn't tell you the feelings or intentions of those involved. Feel me?

Finally, what we really need to consider is: imitating the life of, say, the historical Jesus Christ. After all, as far as being a “believer” goes, everyone on Death Row now “conveniently” claims to believe in “God”. Right?

One Love, One Heart, One Spirit,
G. Djata Bumpus