Friday, March 20, 2009

A response to my comments on President Obama's "State of the Nation" address

He doesn't at all sound like a former community organizer when he talks economics.

Dear friends,

The brief comments below were sent to me, via e-mail, in response to comments that I posted here on this blog on February 24(2009). They are in regards to President Obama's "State of the Nation" address last month (February). The author of the comments is someone who is very special to me, but who does not want to go on record in public, at this time, with criticisms of President Obama. Nevertheless, while he will remain anonymous, he has given me permission to print the missive. It is just too powerful for me not to share it.


G. Djata Bumpus
Interesting. I didn't listen to his speech, but it seems like there is no intention of any real discussion of real change. In that respect I think he's most guilty of trying to appease those in power.

He doesn't at all sound like a former community organizer when he talks economics. I'm hoping at least there is some sincerity in his education policy. I knew he was going to be weak against the military when he started talking about Afghanistan. One thing that no one is even going to consider addressing is why has this country so thoroughly entrenched itself in dependence on war. This is the real problem with the way this economy is organized. They have never been without a war and don't appear to be capable of existing without it as the major outlet and control for the economy.

The last couple of Bush years brought this to stark reality. Was it complete stupidity or just incredible incompetence that the US embarked on a war in which we ended up with a trillion dollar deficit while those we were fighting against came out of it with billions in surplus? Is not economics a major military front? Don't they use sanctions and embargoes and other economic weapons as part of a complete military strategy in the modern world? Then how did this come about? I choose to believe that the Bush family are and have for many generations been war profiteers. They certainly didn't lose money. Why couldn't they see to it that this country's people didn't lose and suffer? The whole charade is disgusting.