Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Joe the Plumber?

This guy Joe needs to show us his union card...

Dear friends,

During the final debate, John McCain started pushing his new-found buddy "Joe the Plumber". About a week later, I saw the guy on a "fair and balanced" Fox News program.

The original portrayal of Joe was that he wanted to buy his employer's business, but was concerned about Senator Obama's tax plan. Now, especally since he has been interviewed on television, there is no more mention of him wanting to buy his employer's business. What's going on? As a matter of fact, out of the hundreds of thousands across the country - and the world, if not millions, who have come out to see Senator Obama, why were reporters, along with their television camera crews so ready and focused on this particular "little guy"? They had never done that at previous rallies - or since.

It seems, at least to me, that, suddenly, Joe the Plumber is now Joe Sixpack. Is that not interesting, necause while McCain is pushing this "ordinary" working guy, he is also the same politician who is going out of his way to make sure that his super-rich friends do not receive tax increases either? McCain insists: Why should anyone have their taxes raised at a time like this?

The answer, of course, is: Those guys get to keep their wealth, due to the sacrifices of everyday workers, police, firemen and firewomen, and all kinds of other people. Why shouldn't they want to share some of their wealth with the aforementioned, right now? Moreover, is this guy Joe actually a plumber, anyway? Frankly, I think that this guy Joe needs to show his union card...

G, Djata Bumpus