Monday, October 20, 2008

The content of their character?

With what Dr. King's offspring are showing the world these days (and actually have been for many years), I do not think that he would want people to judge them by their characters. How sad.

Dr. King would not be too happy with the way his progeny are currently behaving. Unfortunately, greed is not just a part of the character of many of those on Wall Street. This family has a history of it, just as many others in our society do.

Yet, at least to me, it is respect - not whether you like someone's "character" or not - that should be the driving force behind human relations. After all, if a person truly respects you, then he or she will never deliberately do anything to harm you. Do you agree?

At any rate, the link below is to a piece by the ever effervescent, informative, and thoughtful Jen Armstrong of the Philadelphia Daily News. Cheers!

G. Djata Bumpus