Sunday, May 4, 2014

On Having and Being

Deart friends,

This 22 minutes-long video by the great Erich Fromm is actually a perfect Sunday sermon… In this market-driven, possession-oriented society of ours the idea of "having is the most important concern of the average person.

Yet, whether speaking of today, yesterday, or antiquity we see that some of the world's biggest scoundrels either have or have had a great amount of "possessions", as it were, while not possessing any measure of human decency.

Moreover, Masters of living like Kan Kan Musa, Confucius, Moses, the historical Jesus, and Muhammad were not fooled by the glitter of gold or trinkets and baubles. For African American people particularly, and humanity generally, the vile and perverted political economy or process of social reproduction called Capitalism deliberately intends to deprive people of their dignity by having the latter constantly prostitute their powers to create and produce/work, as opposed to using their inner powers to market and manage their own skills and the products of their labor for the commonweal, without neighbors and fellow citizens using each other as means to ends.

G. Djata Bumpus