Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Equal Pay for Equal Work!" - a red herring?

Dear friends, 

Is the issue of "Equal Pay for Equal Work!" a red herring? After all, millions upon millions of men suffer from the same problem as women, if they don’t belong to a union, for example. Consequently, it seems, at least to me, that both the heart and soul of capitalism thrive upon the unfair equation: the less money paid to the employee = the more money for the employer.

But what is far more troubling to me is the fact that too often females, starting at birth, are taught that they are less valuable than little boys and men. Moreover, they are taught to pander to the whims of males, disregarding their ability to constantly seek to be fully human, that is, to be independent, thoughtful, competent, and self-sufficient concerned citizens, as boys and men are encouraged to be. Instead, they are encouraged, even from other women, to be manipulative and deferring to some man-or boy-who will allegedly “take care” of them. Let's end Male Supremacy! 

G. Djata Bumpus