Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict resigns after lambasting Capitalism

Dear friends,

During the recent "Fiscal cliff" nonsense about which the crooks in Washington and their lying mainstream media cohorts hoodwinked the American public, it was brought out that Pope Benedict wrote in his first book, several years ago, that "— Benedict XVI criticizes the “cruelty” of capitalism and colonialism and the power of the wealthy over the poor in his first book as pope released on Friday." World Business,

Now the pontiff has suddenly and mysteriously resigned....Huh?

To be sure, during the Reagan era, Pope John Paul the 2nd was known as The President's Pope. In fact, he supported the puppet Reagan in all of his evil acts against humanity, under the guise of fighting Communism (whatever that is).

Finally, in this day of mass communication through the Internet, Corporate Capitalism could hardly tolerate a pope that isn't in lock step with the greedy capitalist rulers. And the beat goes on...

G. Djata Bumpus