Monday, January 7, 2013

Should a Jewish legislator support the Native American Holocaust?


Dear Friends,

The recent hoax that Congress and the government- and corporate-mainstream media pulled, regarding a "fiscal cliff", hid the fact that the Violence againsr Womn Act wa allowed to expire. The lead person behind the effort to let the Act go, is a Jewish, Republican legislator, Eric Cantor. He doesn't like the fact that the Act had a provision that protects women on reservations, from rape by especially European American, so-called "white", men who come on reservations and rape Native American women. Now those evil. low-lofe men can continue their less than animal behaivior with impunity!

For all of the cries about "The Holocaust", is it not a great contradiction for a Jewish man to support such vicious oppression? Oops! I forgot about Occupied Palestine. Sorry.

Folks need to pay attention!

G. Djata Bumpus.