Sunday, March 25, 2012

In light of Trayvon Martin's murder, the white" press continues to re-define racism

"Moreover, as long as the people who started using racism against us are able to define it, then they can, very conveniently, sweep their atrocities against us under the rug. Plain and Simple."

Dear friends,

I was watching Meet the Press this morning, about Trayvon's murder. As usual, the man that was supposed to be the "Black" voice, Ben Jealous of the NAACP, made no comment about White Supremacy. Moreover, as long as the people who the racist rulers put in front of cameras (Al Sharpton and his ilk) are too cowardly to state that this is a White Supremacist nation, then our enemies will get to define what racism is (a disease and other such nonsense). Hence, our violators are able to keep their culpability to a minimum.

Yet, the reality is: "white" is a phony, mean-spirited claim that people make in order to pit themselves against us, and form an artificial "majority" group. Worse yet, a woman can come from Norway yesterday (and I've seen it right on Facebook), call herself "white" (which won't mean anything in Norway), and inherit a history that is not hers, as well as privilege over me and those who look like me - along with the common racist arrogance that allows European Americans to murder us without concern for justice being brought against them. That's why the U.S. is a white Supremacist nation.

Moreover, as long as the people who started using racism against us are also able to define it, then they can, very conveniently, sweep their atrocities against us under the rug. Plain and Simple.

Please remember, it was not until the mid-Seventies that the term racism gained any real use in this society, even among Blacks. That is, back in the mid-Sixties and after, and it was only so-called Black militants like myself and some of my elders who used the term. Before that, even Dr. King and others used the term "racial prejudice" - NOT "racism"..and King and those other cats deliberately stayed away from using that word (racism), as not to "offend" European Americans or so-called "whites"...In fact, it was only during the Reagan era of the 80s that Uncle Toms started to cozy up to his administration, and the mainstream media started to use it as well, did it even get used (the term racism).

and then, again, racism, conveniently, became this nonsense about being a xenophobia and disease. and if my timetable of the evolution of that term being used in society isn't a fact about the use of the word racism, then one must ask, "Why did King and others shy away from using that term as early as brothers (and sisters) like Malcolm, and others did?", therefore, rejecting its original definition and use. Let's not get it twisted up in here.

G. Djata Bumpus