Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pimpin’ the Arts – Grammy, Academy Awards, and other award shows

“S/he serves as a bridge between the appreciator and that which is either real or imagined.”

Dear friends,

Having just aired stories about the anniversary of the unfortunate demise of the great Whitney Houston, all of the network television charlatans are getting North Americans ready for the annual “Awards” circuit. The Oscars are about to happen.

But what is the real point of giving awards to artists? I mean, the artist is asking for someone to “Come listen” or “Come see” or “Come hear” his or her work. The reason? S/he serves as a bridge between the appreciator and that which is either real or imagined.

In the process, art can serve the purpose of liberating or simply providing pleasure of some sort. And seldom are there financial rewards for being an artist.

Moreover, having people appreciate your creations, much less be willing to surrender some of their money to purchase them, in order for the artist to continue to survive so that s/he can keep creating his or her work, is the actual reward in and of itself.

Now, for most occupations, be they teachers, construction workers, architects, police officers, or janitors, or those in super markets, clothing stores, realty offices, automobile outlets, you name it, advertisers and their sponsors have a fairly easy time getting into the pockets of the average citizens mentioned above. However, artists are different. As well, their spending habits are unpredictable. Besides, for the very few who make any money, that means that a lot of money is left on the table. So how do you get some of that money, from these rich, non-traditional members of our society?

Guess what? You play on their egos. It’s that simple. The result is a myriad of formal clothing and hotel rentals. However, more importantly, television commercials that sell at astronomical rates prevail. Millions!

And so, for example, at the show, the announcement is made for the best singer. Then a commercial. Next, an award for the best singer who wore a blue dress. Then another commercial. Then a “Special Achievement Award” for the best singer to have ever worn a blue dress. I imagine that you get the point, by now.

Meanwhile, artists sit around engaging in an orgy of emotional masturbation, basking in illusions of their self-importance. And everyday people watching on television see the aforementioned commercials, and go out and buy more and more silly gadgets that they do no even need.

And there’s no better way to spend one’s time. Right?


G. Djata Bumpus