Friday, September 9, 2011

Obama's economic plan has nothing to do with ordinary people

“Mr. Obama’s insistence upon making businesses wealthier by further cutting taxes makes no sense, especially since the outrageous “Federal Bailout” has already proven that approach to be completely dubious, if not criminal.”

Dear friends,

Last night’s presentation by Barack Obama was the same run-of-the-mill blather that we’ve been hearing from him for several years now. The crucial point that both he and his predecessors, along with Congress, have refused to appreciate is the fact that the real product of economic development is human, not fiscal. Therefore, Mr. Obama’s insistence upon making businesses wealthier by further cutting taxes makes no sense, especially since the outrageous “Federal Bailout” has already proven that approach to be completely dubious, if not criminal.

Still, even worse, during his speech, he even stooped to becoming a doo-rag preacher, replete with quoting from the Bible, as he shamelessly used religion and a little girl’s unfortunate murder to stir up listeners. I found this to be exceptionally dishonest and cowardly of him, because, under his command, US drone rockets kill little girls in Pakistan almost everyday, under the guise of a “War on Terror”, as the US satellite state that is, euphemistically, called Israel murders Palestinian children equally as frequent.

And, worst of all, having two daughters, the emphasis that his administration puts on childhood obesity, as opposed to violence against females - the world’s worst problem, more so than even nuclear proliferation, much less worldwide hunger and disease, when literally every second of every minute, of every day, a female is being physically assaulted somewhere in the world is unconscionable! Moreover, what a loving father this guy is.

But getting back to the “economy”, how will the people of this nation socially reproduce themselves as a distinct population, when there is no specific plan, much less intent, to include our youth in the process? After all, if they are our future, then it seems, at least to me, that we should prepare them to replace us. But how can that happen if, for example, the mainstream media, that is-the chief opinion-makers, are more concerned with selling advertisements than informing the citizenry to inspire us to do what we can to embrace each other in a peaceful and cooperative effort to co-exist? (By the way, please don’t forget that some types of advertisements and commercials that are shown in the US are actually illegal in other advanced countries, due to their psychologically-manipulative nature.)

And please don’t bring the lie about people determining what the market has to offer, based upon what they want to buy. People buy what’s put in front of them. For instance, if you want something to eat, do you go hungry until you find the product that suits your preference, or do you simply buy what’s available? Only a complete moron would do the former.

And how much of what we buy, much less desire, is simply related to the ideas and opinions that have been imposed upon our minds through cultural institutions like the media, schools, and churches? As well, in deference to the threat capacity (police and military) of the government, how much of people’s thinking and behavior are controlled and directed as such, by people
having already internalized the aforementioned deference beforehand?

No. Obama hasn’t a clue, nor do his opponents. It’s all about power and greed! It has nothing to do with economic development. Still, Black folks support him unconditionally. As the African proverb goes: Before the fool has learned the game, the players have dispersed.


G. Djata Bumpus