Thursday, October 20, 2011

Why is Obama maintaining AFRICOM - and the war against Libya? (originally posted 8/3/11)

“He has an African name and purports to be African American. In other words, with such a ‘head of state’, I knew that that would be a strong basis for US multinational business to be able to open up markets in Africa.”

Dear friends,

Ever since he first started running for the presidential office, I have insisted that the only reason that Barack Obama was a good choice for the racist rulers of this country is: He has an African name and purports to be African American. In other words, with such a "head of state", I knew that that would be a strong basis for US multinational businesses to be able to open up markets in Africa.

After all, the days of European colonial rule are not that far in the past. Therefore, while China has opened up solid business relationships with a number of African countries, one can only imagine that some of the offshoots of the aforementioned European colonists, i.e., European American businesspeople, would find it difficult to meet welcoming arms there. I wonder why?

At any rate, after first using the flimsy excuse of fighting a “war on terror”, in early 2007, the person who was the president at the time, George W. Bush, instituted The United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM or AFRICOM).
However, Africans were not so lovey-dovey with the idea of having such a strong US military presence there. So, the headquarters of AFRICOM ended up being placed just outside of Stuttgart, Germany.

Nevertheless, AFRICOM has been involved in activities that make it apparent there is an ulterior motive for having military bases set up all over Africa’s 54 countries – oil.

Now, while some Black folks are concerned about the term “tar baby” being used in the same sentence as a reference to Barack Obama’s actions, at least to me, a much more important question is: Why is President Obama maintaining AFRICOM?

Additionally, why are Black journalists from around the country, who are meeting in Philadelphia beginning this week, wondering why, as a body, they are becoming more and more inconsequential, when African American people are not even informed about, for example, the actions of this president and inspired to demand meaningful representation from him?

Please check out the info on the link below. Cheers!

G. Djata Bumpus