Monday, August 22, 2011

Complete Media Blackout of August 13th protest against US involvement in Libya (originally posted 8/16/11)

"...where's our "Black" president?...And where is a single one of the "Black" journalists of NABJ (National Association of Black Journalists) who held a Love Party and golf tournament in Philly last weekend?"

Dear friends,

According to personal reports that I received, this past Saturday (8/13/11), some 100, 000 people rallied in Harlem for a protest against the US War in Libya. Yet, conveniently, we haven't heard a peep about it through either the print or electronic media in the US.

Meanwhile, where's our "Black" president? And where is a single one of the "Black" journalists of NABJ (National Association of Black Journalists) who held a Love Party and golf tournament in Philly last weekend? And where's loudmouth Al Sharpton?

At any rate, on the link below is a little bit of info and a 10 minutes-long video in reference to what the Libyan situation is. This coming Saturday (8/21/11), a similar huge protest is planned in Boston.

"Dare to struggle - dare to win!" - Frederick Douglas

G. Djata Bumpus