Friday, May 11, 2012

the good ship Jesus

"I first heard about this enslavers' vessel a little over 30 years ago..."

Dear friends,

I first heard about this enslavers' vessel a little over 30 years ago, while reading the classic text, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, written by the late, great Walter Rodney. Additionally, I remember that, as far back as those days, hearing from one of my chief mentors in life, the great Professor Lloyd Hogan, author of The Principles of Black Political Economy. has often noted that, "Black folks are always looking for Jesus". If we look way back, with Marcus Garvey, and later Martin King, and now Barack Obama, this theory still holds.

At any rate, on the link below, is a short article about the first of the enslavers' ships to be used by the British (who were the last of the Europeans to become involved in the Atlantic Slave Trading Operations), and how Sir John Hawkins was commissioned by Queen Elizabeth the 1st, the half-sister of Queen "Bloody" Mary (they were both daughters of Henry the 8th) to embark upon the heinous enterprise of what Professor W.E.B. DuBois called, "the hunting of Black skins".

"Liberation!" - Dr, Barbara Love

G. Djata Bumpus