Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Happy Mothers' Day salute - for all adult females!!!

"...long live the symmetry of nature, in its never-ending expression of females protecting and nurturing but letting go of their charges, that makes female humans maintain the integrity of all aspects of human existence..."

Dear friends,

Today, not to trivialize the hard work of females who have both born and raised offspring, I must “Holla!” - Happy Mother’s Day!!! –to all females who have mothered other people - whether you birthed them or not, or even other living things that you have mothered like non-human animals, plants. or even causes.

Moreover, long live the symmetry of nature, in its never-ending expression of females protecting and nurturing but letting go of their charges, that makes female humans maintain the integrity of all aspects of human existence - which makes life so worthwhile. On the link below, Will Downing says it best.

G. Djata Bumpus