Friday, November 16, 2012

Why is the C.I.A. so much in fashion these days?

"I find it amazing that, even in a time of WikiLeaks exposing covert US government misconduct, that the same C.I.A. who, historically, murdered the likes of Patrice Lumumba, Che Guevara, and Salvador Allende are now blatantly perpetrating revolts around the Middle East and North Africa."

Dear friends,

I find it amazing that, even in a time of WikiLeaks exposing covert US government misconduct, that the same C.I.A. who, historically, murdered the likes of Patrice Lumumba, Che Guevera, and Salvador Allende are now blatantly perpetrating revolts around the Middle East and North Africa. Worse yet, television programs sporting C.I.A. operatives, like NCIS w/LL Cool J and CHAOS, are now in fashion. Moreover, is all of this about "transparency", arrogance, or getting citizens to accept this ruthless group that is worst than any of its organized crime counterparts?

Nevertheless, after recently seeing a New York Times piece about the role of the C.I.A. ‘s current involvement in Libya, I decided to do a piece about this shameful US foreign policy body. During my research, I came across an article that really pointed out the exact history of this agency that engages in never-ending, unconscionable acts against humanity, that seemingly happens totally outside of this government. The article appears on the link below.

G. Djata Bumpus