Monday, August 23, 2010

Should All African Americans change our surnames to Obama?

"If all African Americans take the surname Obama, in this “post-racial” society…"

Dear friends,

If all African Americans take the surname Obama, in this “post-racial” society, a lot of the people who, mean-spiritedly, call themselves "white", in order to form an artificial “majority” group, won't have to be dumpin' on the president all of the time. Instead, they'll just take things out on African American passers-by, neighbors, co-workers, customers, employers, and so forth. That is, we'll be right there for them to vent.

Moreover, the aforementioned “whites” will have the freedom to express their true feelings, without having to use the excuse that they're simply attacking a politician with whom they're dis-satisfied. Dig?

Let's face it. Never before have we seen a president of the United States attacked so viciously, so continuously, and so openly at that. Why haven't we heard any mainstream media segments about that? Perhaps, the reason lies with the role of the aforementioned mainstream media to constantly, misinform and keep the population worked up, as the real rulers of our society (corporate leaders not their lackeys, i.e., politicians) commit every crime in the book with absolute impunity. Eh?

One Love,
G. Djata Bumpus