Tuesday, May 18, 2010

If Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is a a "lesbian", what will that mean?

"if Elena Kagan is a “lesbian”, considering her actions, people, particularly European Americans who claim to be “homosexual”, should feel as fortunate as many African Americans do about having Clarence Thomas on the nation’s highest judicial bench "

Dear friends,

The nonsense with which the government- and corporate-controlled media is riling people up, regarding Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan being a "lesbian" is a total red herring.

As the present Solicitor General, Kagan is nothing more than the watch dog for the proliferation of the Bush Administration’s reactionary policies towards civil liberties that are founded on falsehoods about the alleged “War in Terrorism”.

Consequently, at least to me, it is completely irrelevant how she satisfies herself sexually. Besides, no one ever wholly knows anyone else’s sexual habits or fantasies.

Moreover, it is dishonest for any person to claim a particular “sexual identity” outside of whether one is sexually liberated or sexually repressed. Most people fit somewhere in between, I can only imagine.

Still, what one does to relieve himself/herself of sexual tension has absolutely nothing to do with decisions that are made apart from sexual fulfillment, except for, perhaps, a prostitute of either gender (even then, sexual release is often not either the case or purpose.)

At any rate, if Elena Kagan is a “lesbian”, considering both her statements and actions as our Solicitor General, people, particularly European Americans who claim to be “homosexual”, should feel as fortunate as many African Americans do about having Clarence Thomas on the nation’s highest judicial bench – i.e., Uncle Thomas' appointment as a Supreme Court justice has been the antithesis of something of which be proud. n the link below is an interesting piece from the weekly Valley Advocate of Western Massachusetts.


G. Djata Bumpus