Friday, April 30, 2010

About what is the new Immigration Law in Arizona?

"...the real laugh is: much of the area where the greatest amount of “illegal” immigration has been occurring was actually called Mexico, only five or six generations ago."

Dear friends,

With all of the brouhaha going on about the new immigration law in Arizona, there now needs to be a new call for not just cooperation, but a united front made up of African Americans, Africans, Caribbeans, Latinos, Asians, and Early-American Native peoples, along with any just European Americans who support the liberation of humanity.

There were attempts to do that, especially from the late-Sixties to late-Eighties. However, changes, beginning with the Reagan administration, made social awareness, much less activism, more difficult, because the powers-that-be, as it were, gave up a few crumbs, in the form of trinkets and baubles as well as a new “pop culture” to the “masses”, so that the former could maintain its legitimacy, in light of bank scandals, the Iran/Contra debacle, financing the Israeli (which it still does) and Iraqi regimes as well as South Africa when it was more obviously apartheid than it is today, and so many other national and international misdeeds in which our government was - and continues to be -strongly involved.

Nonetheless, I’m willing to bet that there are far more illegal Irish, Russian, Italian, and Polish immigrants in this country than there are, say, Jamaicans and other Caribbean immigrants here, for example. Additionally, there may even be more of them than there are of Mexicam immigrants, as far as we know. Why don’t we ever here about those European folks? Where is the uproar about them? Moreover, the real laugh is: much of the area where the greatest amount of “illegal” immigration has been occurring was actually called Mexico, only five or six generations ago. Also, that means that the West Coast is actually more like the West Bank.

Finally, on the link below, you will find a piece that I saved for the occasion - since last December (2009), from the New York Times. It paints a more genuine picture of the
“immigration” issue.

G. Djata Bumpus