Friday, March 26, 2010

Is there a connection between the US Federal Census and White Supremacy?

“…upon what basis does one believe that the aforementioned resources will be fairly distributed, if the manner in which folks describe themselves for the aforesaid distribution is unfair?”
Dear friends,

At least in town hall records around New England, immediately prior to Hitler’s ascent to power and for decades before that, Irish, Polish, and Italian citizens were, randomly, checked off as “race other than white”. Since then, the descendants of all of those three groups just mentioned are only considered “white”.

The federal census then, at least to me, seems to be used to justify the phony claim of being “white” that allows many citizens in our country to mean-spiritedly pit themselves against others who are labeled "non-white", while, simultaneously, the former group magically becomes an artificial “majority” group. Moreover, in an alleged “democracy” (defined by our government and other cultural institutions conveniently, but improperly, as “the rule of the majority”), such a claim (of being “white”) makes being “white” supreme.

Consequently, millions of citizens mull over the scores of categories for self-description, while millions more who are in the “white” category have little to do, in terms of describing themselves.

To be sure, the ancestors of the aforementioned “majority” group were not considered "white” in their homelands. Only economic factors distinguished them their fellows. As a matter of fact, that’s why their poor butts came here, from the git-go. After all, generally-speaking, aristocrats don’t leave their homelands. They have no reason to. Notwithstanding, ships were sent to Europe in order to bring millions of people here, when there were already millions of African Americans in the South who were forced into the plantation economy of "sharecropping", after the Reconstruction Era was ended by the US government itself, along with quasi-government agencies like the Ku Klux Klan.

Still, why use cultural descriptions for citizens when it pertains to people from places where the inhabitants have a skin color other than pale, but not use cultural descriptions for people who are of European descent? None of the ancestors of the three groups that were noted above even spoke the same language when they came to North America. That means that their cultural distinctions were just as prominent between themselves as Europeans, as they were/are between themselves and people of non-European descent. What’s wrong with this picture?

Furthermore, on our federal census forms, why is skin color the only reference for "whites", when for others it is, for example, African American, Asian, Latino, and so forth. Why can’t they be called European American, for instance? To that question, I often hear the objection, “But what’s the difference in calling yourself European American instead of “white”, if you’re still talking about the same people?” It’s an incredibly lame objection, but here’s my response, “Since there is an advantage to being ‘white’, because it makes you part of an artificial ‘majority’ group, in an alleged ‘democracy’, it is, disempowering to call yourself anything other than ‘white .” I mean, who wants to give up an illusion of power, especially since tens of millions of those who call themselves ‘white’ live far below the poverty level, and scores of millions more are only so many paychecks away from bankruptcy?

Additionally, if people stop calling themselves "white", then we will not need either affirmative action or any other special considerations for some citizens. But people do not want to stop calling themselves "white", because, again, it is disempowering to do so. That proves in and of itself that there is an advantage to being "white". So about what are all of the arguments against afirmative action?

Finally, the notion that resources are distributed based upon census figures ignores the mere reality of the outright thievery of corporations and their sycophantic politicians who use our tax dollars as a means to fill their own coffers. Besides, upon what basis does one believe that the aforementioned resources will be fairly distributed, if the manner in which folks describe themselves for the aforesaid distribution is unfair?
Ultimately, it becomes quite obvious that the most crucial result of the Federal Census is to legitimize White Supremacy )euphemistically-called "racism").

Let’s keep it real.

G. Djata Bunpus