Monday, January 4, 2010

The Detroit Bodysnatcher - a short video

"Apart from showing that those who do both the hardest and most of the work receive the least compensation, it also points to one of those important jobs that many of us may prefer not to do. However, imagine if no one did it..."

Dear friends,

As the new year begins, and while folks are trying to commit themselves to a variety of "resolutions", please remember that we should be grateful to be able to feed ourselves without having to beg or steal for our nutrients.

At any rate, on the link below is a short video from the New York Times online edition. Apart from showing that those who do both the hardest and most of the work receive the least compensation, it also points to one of those important jobs that many of us may prefer not to do. However, imagine if no one did it.

Happy New Year!!!

G. Djata Bumpus