Friday, January 15, 2010

20 minutes-long video of Randall Robinson interview on Haitian Situation

"George Bush ordered the invasion of the sovereign nation of Haiti, in 2004. The duly-elected president and his wife were taken from their home and forcibly brought to another country (South Africa) - not allowing them to return, even to this day."

Dear friends,

The 20 minutes-long video on the link below is a brilliant assessment of what the disaster that just occurred in Haiti means for the future of a people that have been subjected to alien marauders, ever since they freed themselves from slavery by the French in 1804 , all the way up to modern times.

Worse yet, George Bush ordered the invasion of the sovereign nation of Haiti, in 2004. The duly-elected president and his wife were taken from their home and forcibly brought to another country (South Africa) - not allowing them to return, even to this day. With the whole world watching, will the Obama administration finally end this oppression and exploitation?


G. Djata Bumpus