Friday, October 23, 2009

Dr. Horace Clarence Boyer - Artist and Educator Extraordinaire (1935 - 2009)

"A truly religious person shares consistently and constantly."

G. Djata Bumpus with Dr. Horace Clarence Boyer at an art exhibit in Amherst, Mass., during September of 2006. The photo was taken by retired UMass professor and former local NAACP chief Reynolds Winslow.

Dear friends,

Just last week, a memorial service was held for Horace Boyer. He was an exceptional man of Religiosity. When I last saw Clarence (he liked to be called by his middle name), we had run into each other at an art show in Amherst (MA). There was an exhibit of a collection of photos and paintings from a group of artists from Mississippi.

When we initially greeted each other, he pressed his finger against his lower neck in order to speak, I knew that that meant he had had a tracheotomy. Cancer had developed in his body. Still, Clarence (he preferred to be called by his middle name) was grateful for life. However, he was frustrated and disappointed that he could no longer sing. Unfortunately, I never saw him again, after that day.

Nevertheless, anyone who even faintly knew Dr. Boyer knew of his dedication to performing and teaching about gospel music. Moreover, he was an accomplished musician through both singing and the piano. He was also a longtime choirmaster and college professor.

Finally, he is not "gone"; rather, he has taken on a different form of existence for all of those he taught, all of those he loved. Moreover, as Clarence proved time after time: A truly religious person shares consistently and constantly.

A biography of him appears on the link below.

One Love, One Heart, One Spirit,
G. Djata Bumpus