Monday, August 24, 2009

Is Single-Payer Health Insurance “Disruptive”, as President Obama insists?

"Mr. President, considering your response to the suggestion of single-payer health insurance, it was very “disruptive” to scores of millions of individuals, including owners/managers of businesses and other economic, political, and social institutions for a Black man who had a good chance of winning to run for the nation’s highest office, so why did you continue running?"

Is Single Payer Health Insurance “Disruptive”?

President Obama says it is. That brings the question, at least to me: Mr. President, considering your response to the suggestion of single-payer health insurance, it was very “disruptive” to scores of millions of individuals, including owners/managers of businesses and other economic, political, and social institutions, for a Black man who had a good chance of winning to run for the nation’s highest office, so why did you continue running?

Meanwhile, many citizens, especially Republicans, complain about not wanting “too much government”. To be sure, such a protestation is quite dubious, since it is precisely the threat capability of the government’s police and military forces that allow the former to be able to accumulate any measure of wealth in the first place. Moreover, without the aforementioned threat capability of the government’s power how would the wealthy be able to stop others from taking their fortunes?

Finally, at least to me, those who have way more ducats than the rest of us should pay far greater taxes as they relate to percentages of incomes, because they have so much more to lose. Otherwise, the wealthy are being even further subsidized than they already are by their fellow citizens who are of middle class and lower-middle class incomes, since the latter make far less use of airports and other facilities - whether for business or pleasure, that rely so heavily upon government funding. Let’s get real!

G. Djata Bumpus