Monday, March 15, 2010

Israel's latest insult to the world,and a story about 800 "settlers"

"The claim that Israel is the 'closest ally' of the US in the Middle East reminds me of the African proverb that goes: It's better to have an intelligent enemy than a dumb friend."

Dear friends,

With the recent announcement (March 10, 2010) by Israel to build an additional 1600 units for "settlers" in mostly Arab east Jerusalem, it should be obvious, even to those with the most infinitesimally small brains, that Israel, with its nuclear warheads, is nothing but a colonial power that is sponsored by the US government through the despicable likes of Senators Charles Schumer and Joe Lieberman and their ilk. Moreover, the claim that Israel is the "closest ally" of the US in the Middle East reminds me of the African proverb that goes: It's better to have an intelligent enemy than a dumb friend.

At any rate, as bloody and inhuman as the situation in Gaza is, there is a much wider story, regarding the plight of Palestinian people. On the link below is a piece that was written in 2008 that points to a problem that all Palestinians share, whether in Gaza or elsewhere.

G. Djata Bumpus