Monday, October 28, 2013

Re: Turning our weaknesses into strengths (originally posted 10/16/08)

"What would you do, if you lost one of your five senses?"

Dear friends,

You may have seen this short video on the link below, previously. The young fellow who is the subject of the piece, Ben Underwood, also helps us to understand why all of us are equals. That is, every human being has strengths and weaknesses. Besides, each of us as individuals, must, by himself or herself and for
himself or herself do four things. They are: 1) Eat...2) Drink...3)...Expel the waste of the two aforementioned activities...and 4) Sleep. If not, no one will continue to live. Period. At least to me, that is what makes every human being equal - regardless of skin color, how much power or wealth that one has, how talented or challenged s/he is either athletically or intellectually, or whatever "orientation" by which our society or the market defines him or her. Ya dig? Peace.

G. Djata Bumpus