Friday, October 10, 2008

Dowd on McCain/Palin Desperation

Dear friends,

Now comes John McCain, a longtime mover and shaker in Congress who knows how to "reach across the isle". He is a "maverick" who having been in office during, several recessions, now, conveniently, claims that he knows how to solve our problems...

If that is true, then, I must ask the "maverick" senator, "After your great experiences of having been in office during a number of recessions, while always "reaching across the isle", what has happened between the time that you were nominated by the Republican Party - and now, that, apparently, did not occur to you during the prior quarter of a century, that has made you so wise and capable?".

At any rate, I have been reading Maureen Dowd's work for a number of years. I find her to be one of the nation's most distinguished journalists, male or female. Her voice seems to shun whatever is the favored position of the "herd" (whch includes many of her journalistic colleagues). Please enjoy Maureen's, as usual, thoughtful piece, on the link below.


G. Djata Bumpus