Thursday, July 18, 2013

Is a "Race War" in sight,, in North America?

"...all North Americans need to build genuine communities of love and prosperity - not just African Americans."

Dear friends,

Due to the current tensions being created by the mainstream government- and corporate-controlled media, the idea that there will be more so-called "Race wars" is a false abstraction, because there have never been any here, per se. For example, back in 1921, there was a criminal assault - not a war, by the Tulsa police and many renegade "whites" against African Americans (most of them unarmed). The despicable criminals even found support from the US military. However, that was an assault that African Americans there withstood, ultimately.

Today, things are quite different, because, thanks to the Black Panther Party especially with our fight for "community control of police", there are now many Black cops in this country. Moreover, history is a constantly progressing phenomenon. In fact, it is happening as we engage in dialogue right here. Therefore, history is always evolving. Sometimes similar mistakes are seemingly made. However, we cannot resolve the past, because we cannot duplicate it.

The issue then becomes: Will the fact that there is far more interaction between European Americans and African Americans than even, say, 30 years ago direct us to inform our actions accordingly? I can only imagine that that will be the case.

Finally, all North Americans need to build genuine communities of love and prosperity - not just African Americans. After all, both the lie and mass illusion of being "white" is betrayed every time a European American loses his or her job, or house to foreclosure, or any number of other injustices. The mass illusion of Whiteness just mentioned will be shattered, when folks decide to be honest with themselves and rejoin humanity, as opposed to continuing to estrange themselves from the rest of us due to their bigger guns, so that we can all move against the "organized minority" that rules us all. Cheers!

G. Djata Bumpus
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Fighter's View of the Zimmerman-Martin Confrontation

"And what about the screening? You don’t need a voice expert or witnesses to figure out who was doing the screaming..."
Dear friends,
Nobody seems to want to mention it. However, many European Americans, so-called “white” people, take the acquittal of George Zimmerman as an “in your face” to African-Americans for the acquittal of O.J. Simpson in 1995.

Yet, Simpson did not admit to killing anyone. Therefore, there was actually a burden of proof on the prosecution. In the case of George Zimmerman, he admitted killing the youngster. That means that, unless it was accidental, the killer needed a convincing excuse for taking Trayvon Martin’s life.

Having been involved in hundreds of street fights, both as a young knucklehead and later as a legendary bouncer in Philadelphia’s old “red light” district at 13th & Market streets in Center City, aside from my amateur and pro boxing careers, as well as teaching about 3, 000 individuals how to fight, for a living, for the past 25 years (and that doesn't include the troops in Iraq, I know that there is no way that a grown man and a skinny teenage boy rumbled from a curb to a spot over 20 feet away in the grass without, at some point, the two of them standing on their feet.

Now, if in fact, the confrontation continued, then that means at some point George Zimmerman could have ended the altercation, by simply shooting a bullet into either the air or grass.

Moreover, considering the fact that Trayvon was initially considered a John Doe, then it makes no sense to me why, at least by the next morning, the police and the complex management didn’t go door to door, trying to identify the dead victim. If it had been a European-American would they have been so callous?

And why would George Zimmerman be so callous and uncaring about a complete stranger that he had just killed? After all, unless he is an experienced killer, it would seem, at least to me, that he would be frantic, knowing that almost never does an excuse like self-defense work. So who did he talk to immediately following the incident? To be sure, a frightened coward who needed to shoot a young boy had to talk to someone, even if he spoke to police right after the killing. Who is that person? Was it the neighbor who so seemingly Frank claimed that he recalled Trayvon being on top of Zimmerman? And since they traveled over 20 feet, at what point did he actually see them fighting?

And what about the screening? You don’t need a voice expert or witnesses to figure out who was doing the screaming. In other words, if in fact a man’s head is being banged against the sidewalk, he is not screaming. Additionally, the person doing the banging is in a vicious fight, as opposed to being an attacker. An attacker would have knocked Zimmerman down, then kicked or stomped head, not be down on the ground with him banging his head on the cement. None of the cops thought of that? Come on.

 As a lifelong fighter, I know that from experience. As I said earlier, I was a knucklehead when I was young. However, if a young man is on top of another person, and suddenly that person pulls a gun out, that guy on top is definitely going to start yelling/screaming. So Zimmerman can’t have it both ways. That is, if Trayvon was on top, then it was he who was screaming from a surprise that he knew was life-threatening - not Zimmerman. And the screaming stopped with the sound of the gunshot. Duh? That's MURDER not SELF_DEFENSE!!!

Besides, if it was self-defense, then thousands of, especially, men should be released from US prisons, since many of them are currently doing murder sentences after being involved in fistfights at house parties and bars, where they've pulled out a gun or knife or some other weapon and used it. That is exactly what George Zimmerman did. The police should have arrested him for murder immediately following the fight.
By the way, if the altercation lasted for 45 seconds, then it means that both parties were engaged in a fight. Consequently. if Zimmerman first engaged in a fist fight with Trayvon, then that means that in the middle of the fistfight he decided to change the rules. Hence, the gun and the screaming. At best, that’s manslaughter.
Finally, I cannot imagine that members of the Sanford Police Department did not collude with George Zimmerman in providing a false account of what occurred.
G. Djata Bumpus

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Pioneer Valley Boxing School was in Iraq/Kuwait war theatre with the Troops

In support of Coach Bumpus, for his support ofthe M.W.R. (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation)boxing program in Camp Udairi, Kuwait

To whom it may concern:

I began to review our (US Army) M.W.R. boxing program for the field of Kuwait and Iraq, hoping to make it better. I upgraded all the equipment, which enhanced the safety tremendously. I had a great system as far as the structure of the practices, but I needed more technical information, a book or a resource.

I came across a Web site that caught my eye. Yet, it was not the site itself that changed the program, rather, it was the person who responded to my e-mail. His name is Coach G. Djata Bumpus. I told him who I was and that I could use some more information on the practical approach of coaching.

Coach Bumpus sounded enthusiastic about doing whatever it took to support the troops. He started sending lesson plans and instructions of basic boxing fundamentals. I was really impressed by his interest and support of our program. As well, he approached me in a very professional manner, emphasizing the importance of providing good information for the troops.

What followed was some of the most comprehensive and easy to understand boxing lessons I have ever seen or heard of. It was amazing. I began implementing them the next day. Not only was it easy to read, but fun to teach. Coach Bumpus’ writing is both creative and articulate. Moreover, his lessons are phenomenal!

The men and women who participated in the program enjoyed and appreciated what I was doing, but it was the practical and relevant information that made the program so successful, regardless of the participants' boxing skill levels or knowledge of boxing itself.

I gladly endorse Coach Bumpus for supporting the boxing program of the U.S. and coalition forces in the theatre of both Kuwait and Iraq, and, I also support him, because he has a special talent for expressing and communicating how to teach boxing. As a coach myself, his contributions were/are immeasurable.

Finally, in addition to his in depth understanding of the game, he also inspired me personally. In fact, before most lessons, he would take a moment to reflect on how a specific lesson ties in with some part of our lives. Being able to connect sports with real life situations is special.

Thanks again Coach Bumpus.

Rick RobitailleStaff Sergeant, Combat Engineer
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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Zimmerman case highlights Literacy & "Race"

Dear friends,

We need a national literacy campaign in this country. After all, good reading comprehension will allow the populace to engage in the sharing of ideas, while simultaneously deepening the mental stamina of our citizens.

People often think of stamina in terms of its physical sense - such as running the marathon. Yet, we can increase our thinking capacity, so that we are able to understand phenomena more deeply. Obviously, the poorly-educated jurors in many cases have very low levels of mental stamina. As a result, the decisions made by the aforementioned jurors have more to do with their personal insecurities and inadequacies about their inability to reason. Conjoined in a small herd or group, it is then easier for them to live with themselves.

Nevertheless, the prosecutors jurors and witnesses all lacked integrity, as well as intellectual capacity, in the George Zimmerman case. And this is the real dilemma.

The issue of “race” obscures the more relevant problem of the huge identity crisis in this country. I mean, living in a market economy that is based upon people using one another as a means to an end, as each member of society strives to be the best personality/latest model for consumption, for either whoever or whatever reason, makes the notion of “race”, as it were, simply another excuse for people to gain both self-worth and societal worth at the expense of their fellows.

Let’s face it. The kind of impropriety that the Martin family is facing happens all over the world, on all five of the peopled continents, ALL IF THE TIME!!!.

Finally, those who are the most culpable for human suffering today are ruling classes, in collusion with the governments that they sponsor- governments, by the way, that are themselves legitimized, not by the vote, but through the threat capacity of their police and military.

And so we must build genuine communities, as species beings, where we are able to embrace the humanity of which we are all capable.

G.  Djata Bumpus 

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