Friday, May 24, 2013

Eshu Bumpus critiquing an essay by Djata Bumpus

Yo D,

I thought it was good. I'm glad that it will continue with a part2 and/or 3 because you didn't get a chance to develop the idea of, " 2) That you know what it’s like to be alone and accomplish goals on your own. "

I think this is essential because there is so much violence that people become inured to that has little to do with hitting. As children, people should be given support and encouragement to think highly of themselves and their futures. This should involve helping the child discover and appreciate "Their powers" in a multitude of ways.

They can create and be loved for what they create. They can achieve and be loved for what they achieve and even what they try to achieve. 

I believe it is nothing short of violence when a certain child is deemed a failure when it is the system that is failing the child. It is nothing short of violence when resources that could be used  to help families are diverted to feed the pockets of greedy, already absurdly wealthy individuals or corporations  or when people can't get nutritious food. It is violence that brings a young girl to a mentality that makes her say, "I like my man with a little thug in him."

If a person has no sense of responsibility to others, they will never really learn how to love. It is through the development of their powers and the sense of the value of those powers that a person begins to see their own potential to change their environment for the better, not only for themselves but for the ones they love or may come to love.