Thursday, February 2, 2012

A True Warrior in African American History

>"At about 3 a.m. Smalls commandeered the 147-foot vessel from a dock fronting General Ripley’s home and office. Smalls and his crew sailed to a nearby dock, collected family members from another ship and headed toward sea..."

Dear friends,

There seems to be a tendency for people to ignore the heroism of individuals who represent a part of the struggle of African American people to resist oppression. The Civil Rights Movement was a brief period where accommodating, instead of resisting gained a lot of attention. However, the story on the link below defies that notion.

Moreover, one point to be remembered is: Our Black forebears, along with European American troops, fought for their freedom - with guns. No one "freed" them! In other words, they weren't just sitting around singing and waiting to be freed, as most school literature and the government- and corporate-controlled media outlets love to portray it.


G. Djata Bumpus