Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What abouts Bristol Palin and her choices?

Dear friends,

Sarah Palin taught her daughter that abstinence is the right way for young people to go sexually. Her teenage daughter, Bristol, got pregnant when she was in the 11th grade. Heck! She waited at least 17 years. That's long enough to abstain. Right? Besides, don't you think that 17 years is honorable? After all, how many adults under 40 ain’t had none in 17 years? Yeah, that’s what I thought. She did good...

Heck. I admire Bristol’s parents. If I had a daughter that age and she came and told me that she was pregnant, I’d be supportive too. In fact, Id even drive her right down to the abortion clinic and wait.

And what about the fiancĂ© or whatever. He’s been thrown into this mess. The boy brags that he is a "f------ redneck". Wow! That sounds like the coming of a great father. Does Bristol see her beau as a kind of miniature Daddy? Is this another one of her good choices?

At any rate, below, regarding the Bristol Palin issue, you will find links to three brilliant, must-read pieces, by three special journalists, that take serious . yet different, looks at the abstinence issue - and abortion.

"Love is the weapon of the strong!"

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